Monday, November 13, 2017

clown carnage

i've always had a HUGE fascination with clownage in any form i can get it
though i never did get to experience it first hand at any circus that i can recall as a small pre pubescent unintentionally internationally unknown perform'n illusionist of my own universe...i had always hoped someday day it would happen...well...minus at that damn animal cruelty that goes along with it that we've learned over the was not the greatest show on earth
my 1st experience with the creepy cackleage finally came as a kinder'n in anticipation the BOZO THE CLOWN show at my grama Lorraine's on 3rd street...all while eat'n my boo berry cereal and roll'n her cigarette's...before i would head off to school fer the day...the one important life lesson i would learn durin' that time in the mid 70's was of course to make make sure they were rolled high and tight...and yea know what?...even though i never smoked a cig in my life (i've always said i can find more longer...dirtier things to stick in my mouth besides the ass end of a cigarette) i've learned to keep my A double snakes much in the same manner
by the late 80's...i was all over the KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE...thee best B movie ever made...that's not an opinion that's just a fact jack!...but i just wanna know when in the sam H-E-double hockey stix are the CHIODO brothers gonna follow up with a trilogy like every movie that's been bastardized since STAR WARS
when it comes to either are in love them or are terrified relentlessly by them...there is no grey area
well...unless of course you build yerself a dolorean and go fer a lil trip smart ass

with the current unfortunate clown cabinet runn'n the country since jan...
i can honestly say they have fuck'n ruined it fer me (fer the time bein' anyways)...the only thing that's been legitimately their bowel movements...and that's only becuz of ALL the politically spun bran flakes they've had to choke on since take'n office
ever since the fire'n of  comrade clown FLYNN...who only lasted a full 25 days...that i became completely obsessed with watch'n in my hotel room at the Flamingo fer almost a full 24 hrs...when i was on my 1st trip from H-E-double hockey stix in Vegas last feb to see CHER

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