Monday, February 25, 2019

all aboard the bandwagon

it's not like any one of us out there have never tried to gather sympathy
or awareness to whatever hot topic is burn'n like an STD outta shed some light on whatever the issue is that's unknown to most out there...
who can ferget that time back in '92...when the brilliantly outspoken...doc marten'd irish goddess SINEAD O'CONNOR had told the masses on their ass one even'n dur'in her SNL performance to "fight the REAL enemy!"..only to be crucified & have her spotlight snuffed out...fer speak'n the brain dead masses who were completely oblivious of the unfortunate situation that had been covered up by the Cath-o-lickers fer years

of course then there was that time almost 10 years later in '07...
when everyone's fav-o-rit saccrinated auto-toned lyp-sync'er...was the pop princess of thee entire planet...who simply had had enough of marinate'n in spray tans and a head full of Sally's beauty supply hair extensions...and decided to jack up her image a bit
by totally hijack'n SINEAD's signature look as her show the world that she was more than just some sauced up corporate sex on a stick...(cuz of dwindle'n cd sales)...the masses on their asses stood up and caressed her flailing career...and throngs of her die hard fans gathered together in unity by start'n a gofundme account to get her a new weave...and a 2nd chance to continue her world domination in the lyn-sync battlefield
now she's lyp-sync'n fer her life in Vegas nite after nite (and trust me...i mean no ill will...but let's be real) don't know if yer gett'n the real BRIT BRIT
or her secret service doppelganger Derrick Berry these days...they both sound the same!

so almost 10 years A-F-T-E-R the above we are once again
with another front page celeb trainwreck...starr'n EMPIRE hotness JUSSIE SMOLLETT...allegedly...(in his own words)...bein viciously attacked by a couple of hot homophobic maga wear'n hoodlums...make'n the entertainment circuit appearances plead'n fer boo-hoo justice...blow'n up social media...grasp'n fer as many sympathetically pathetic words of disdain and pleas of encouragement he can rack up...

now...though i personally think he's a bit fuck'd in the skull to be goin down
this route just to get a bit more benjamins in his bank account...if said accusations come to be true (the juries still out)...only fer the simple fact that it doesn't really help the R-E-A-L victims of the LGBTXYZPDQ community and especially members of the african american LGBTXYZPDQ community...from ever bein' believed when they actually go thru a R-E-A-L situation like his...on a daily basis...without ANY sorta support from celebutards...purposely planted product endorsments and the general main stream media...amongst the many toilet trained chimps purchase'n tickets to whatever tragedy is all the crazy at the moment
(and know there always is one ...dont'cha kitten?)

i DON'T think he should be crucified...and his career completely destroyed
 by the masses on their asses...simply cuz he told an "alternative fact"...when we have a mentally deranged lie'n sack of pig shit...disgrace'n the oval office...ON AN HOURLY BASIS...fer the past 2 years...without ANY sort of retribution!

these brain dead twatters...tweet'n out the basic lynch'n of JUSSIE
cuz he tried gett'n some attention...yet you can purchase front row tickets on stubhub to hear the cricket orchestra in concert at the front steps of the oval office...when it comes to some alt right mentally deranged pig shit psycho fan...who worked fer the coast guard...and planned a massive hit list of many DEMS and media personalities that had a beef with said mentally deranged pigshit in comand...and out of control!
or better yet...not untter'n their disdain with said mentally deranged pig shit try'n to waste MILLLIONS of billions of national emergency benjamins to build his lincoln logs along the southern boarder...instead of fix'n REAL emergencies like...oh i don't know...Flint and Puerto Rico...
or how about Parker Posey's career...i miss here!

get yer priorities straight...this is ALL feed'n in the REAL distraction...
from our mentally deranged lie'n sack of pig shit in command and out of control...a total division and distraction game...that the media has to take some blame for perpetuate'n...but the masses on their asses that are ready to jump on the latest of any bandwagon yer mind and look behind the mask...and get off my dress!

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