Monday, July 13, 2020


much like meth to a flamer past his prime...wrapped in a rainbow glittered
balenciaga blouse from 1998...that they purchased from a bogo sale at some discount designer store in 2008...parade'n around any give'n dance floor on a late friday any give'n urban metropolitan non heterosexual establishment as some boisterous alcoholic evangilist...while shiny aluminum flakes would dance in unison to the beat of the colored lights rain'n from the ceil'n up above to the popper crusted floor down below...
as CHER's #1 remixed synthesized anthem from the same year the blouse was born (adorned with a fiber optic head dress of course) once again takes over the crowd and commands them to question themselves after sipp'n from the cocktail that their next door dick wrangler they just met in the boys room who conviently slipped a roofie into as it lay all alone on the roof of the urinal they were occupy'n...stare'n into their gin soaked eyes...melodically ask'n them with one satanically raised eyebrow "do you BELIEVE in life after love?" make'n them reminince about how they once were the cream of the crop in their tiny tube top only 10 years earlier...
BUTT of course...
are now just a shattered...sheltered...shitfaced mess try'n to impress anyone that will give them a mere moment of validation on any give'n social media platform durin' this COVID crisis

well...every year as we loose our grip on reality along with our utter mind...
there is ALWAYS gonna be that one meth riddled attention deficit disorder who still thinks everyone is absolfuckinglutely mezmorized by that shirtless pile of steriods in daisey dukes prance'n on top of the center square in the middle of the dance floor flapp'n his neon flags like a sexually starved butterfly amongst the sea of tweeked out STD's...well kittens...insert this years official A.D.D douche rag here
why oh why do i feel like i'm completely forced into write'n about this shit?

i know this is just a C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E distraction that WILL NEVER come
to fruition...only cuz of their abysmal rate'ns...much like their morals...have been tank'n like the titanic...i mean seriously? as if even thee most drug induced coma would warrant such legitimacy...seen as how he's pretty late at gett'n his name in the ring fer the runn'n anyways to validate himself as bein' completely serious

don’t even get me started on his “runn'n on the birthday party“ ticket...
the only birthday party i’m interested in vote’n for involves cake & some killer clowns stripp'n to that hokey pokey circus theme and make'n balloon animals...PERIOD!

and of course no campaign would be complete without a limited edition
fragrance that smells like vanilla bean...sandlewood and urine...sold exclusively at wal-mart and the dollar store or by click'n the link in their insta bio fer a $5 sample...why not!

it's a good thing to that KW received that PPP small biz loan to help bail 
out his "billion dollar" brand so he can finally begin production on their new ego riddled mega shithole in Wyoming as presumably the new WH shithole...should he make it to the finish line of course (insert laugh here)

PUHLEEZ...we all can recall how Miss Kankersoredashian desperately 
needed that 2 part "wedd'n" fiasco just to keep those brain dead couch potatoes from jump'n ship from her brand not too long ago...can't we?

do you really wanna waste even an attempt to comptemplate a vote fer 
someone who believes "slavery was a choice 400 years ago"
or someone that has ties to some over payed CASPER crusader that is competely anti LGBTXYZPDQ
(i'm sorry...i didn't miss anyone?)

i'll put down 100 to 1 odds that this is ALL just a publicity ploy to help out
his flail'n popularity that he hasn't experienced ever since he rapped on the QUEEN's dance floor hit "BEAT GOES ON" (w/ PHARRELL WILLIAMS) from 2008's smash album and tour fer "HARD CANDY
and to help out that mentally deranged IMPEACHED FOR LIFE sociopathetik lie'n corrupt orange anal warted sow by splitt'n the black vote from Biden...period!
that is it!

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