Monday, August 12, 2019

regurgitated reproductions

just like that tired old story goes about those 3 lil gelatinous piglets who try
 and out smart the big ol' bad flea bitten reinforce'n their quaint lil shit box outta bricks and mortar (cuz their dumb shit offspring's were try'na save a few benjamins when they built their shit boxes so they'd have a handful of disposable cash when they went to visit the "professional cabaret dancers" at the 4-mile on the weekends) haven't the slightest clue that no matter how much reinforcement they add to their homes...even with silent trip alarms and laser precision gamma rays to ward off any and all future unsuspect'n huff-n-puff's absofuckinglutely pointless...
cuz the second they walk out their front door to skip to their loo down to the local water'n trough fer some vittles and all won't mean shit if they come across a mentally deranged trigger happy 2nd amendment'n lone wolf who never got asked the prom!

with the unfortunate all to common parade of hollow "thoughts & prayers"
from the brain dead CASPER crudade'n right wing'n society over all those lost and those left behind from the tragic mass shooting ...FUCK IT! it out fer what it really is...the tragically AVOIDABLE EXECUTIONS in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas the other week...if those elected officials would pass more than just their fuck'n bowels and their nitely bar runs!

thanks to the quick action of the Dayton Ohio boys in blue...they were able
 to kill the shooter within 30 seconds reach'n the chaotic scene and shoot'n off the 1st shot...even though it only took the actual shooter dressed in full protective armour gear to eliminate 9 unsuspect'n victims (include'n his own sister) and injure 31 more...with his semi-automatic AM-15 (based on the ever popular sport'n swiss cheese kill'n machine...the AR-15) in just a mere 24 seconds...24 SECONDS!!! i just wonder if said executioner had thee ACTUAL weapon
 of choice that our 4 fathers were referr'n to...that took roughly 90 seconds to load (with practice)...was notoriously inaccurate when aim'n at a target and was usually survivable even at close many helpless victims would still be here?

when yer look'n where to point can start by thank'n these
and these other syphilitic snakes look'n fer stripper coins
which all comes from the piggy banks of their sugga daddy (and lucifer himself)...president of the parlor in purgatory...NRA's anal leakage master...Wayne Lapierre

though leave it to some CASPER crusade'n repuglicunt from Ohio
Miss Vaginal Suppository 2019 spooks model...Candice point blame fer the Dayton Ohio home grown domestic executional terror attack...on non heterosexual marriage...Rutard fans and mary jane

just to clarify fer all those brain dead deplorable officials that try and give warped reasons as to ALL those tragic executions by semi automatics...
* non heterosexual marriage
* maryjuana
* open borders
* Rutard fans
* rap music
* Marilyn Manson
* lack of prayer
* mental illness
* easy access to automatic swiss cheese kill'n machines
* a mentally deranged lie'n sack of vile angry orange pig shit who spews racist rhetoric pretty much on a daily basis via social media or at his many pointless grand stand'n press junkets
* FAUX SNOOZE reporters vommitous spin doctors
only pass that station gets from me is Sheppard Smith...well cuz his brain is not molded from a box of pomegranate jell-o with razor blades float'n inside and slathered on top with mayonnaise made outta bull excrement!

and leave it to the mentally deranged lie'n sack of vile...vommitous...
orange sack of lie'n pig not even be bothered to read the teleprompter in front of him correctly...well cuz he was too busy try'n keep his choppers from fall'n outta his sewer-riddled racist mouth cuz he didn't apply enough poli grip...all while try'n to stop the coke drippage from his snout that he snorted off his daughters derriere

cuz ANYONE with a functional brain cell knows that if someone wants to send subliminal messages to his (oh...fer fuck sake) or her audience...all they gotta do is throw out key words to lobotomize their brain dead fly'n 
monkey to eventually carry out their orders as to keep their tiny hands above mentally deranged lie'n sack of pig shit has done since use'n scare tactical words like "invasion" "killer" & "animal" 500+ times when referr'n to immigrants at his sea of sewage rallies

then of course...leave it to our mentally deranged lie'n sack of vile pig shit
disgrace'n the presidency's botoxed brain dead blow job...Jared's beard...and his fav-o-rit lap dance'n daughter...princess try and deflect and distract fer dear ol tweet'n out about how sad she feels...
followed by her "look over here...a shiny penny"  text...
"INNER CITY"...really? obviously meant to say non caucasians...didn't cha? you incompetent vaginal secretion!!

only problem there is...that it NEVA HAPPENED the way this twat tweeted
huh...and we all thought Eric was the stupid one!

just in case yer keep'n score as to who's made the most mass executions
 to date this year...(and we're only 224 days into the year as of today's post) you ain't got nothin' to worry about kittens...the US is winn'n by a tremendous landslide! the vile words of that mentally deranged lie'n sack of angry orange pig shit disgrace'n the presidency... (and i quote) "we're going to win so're going to get tired of winning"

can ya guess who WASN'T an immigrant? the Las Vegas shooter...the Sandy Hook shooter...the Parkland shooter...the Charleston shooter...the Aurora Movie theater shooter...the Gilroy shooter...the El Paso shooter...
and most recently the Dayton shooter (not to ferget about ALL those mass executioners that came before them obviously)...but the thing is...women have mental illness as well...yet 98% of ALL mass executioners are committed by HOME GROWN WHITE all my repuglicunt kittens out there read'n this...are you tired of winn'n yet?

perhaps a lil advice from Oscar winn'n documentariest MICHAEL MOORE
 might help law enforcement to make it more fair and balanced when deal'n with racial profile'n criminals?

of course WALMART is bein pro-active by pull'n all violent video game 
DISPLAYS...cuz in ALL instances of MASS EXECUTIONS since Columbine to El Paso...the evil perpetrators bludgeoned ALL of their casualties to an unspeakable death by inconspicuously brandishing enormous unsuspect'n cardboard cutouts of fortnite and call of duty displays! (how so VERY proactive of them..don't'cha think?)
NO kittens...they [the recent perpetrators] ARE NOT quote'n lines from ANY video games...THEY ARE post'n on their social media and quote'n the bullshit rhetoric from our unfortunate mentally deranged lie'n sack of orange pig shit...with the cottage cheese ass...disgrace'n the country

so a friendly lil reminder fer all you alt right...blood shedd' cheese
shredd'n...2nd amendment vommitous advocates who try to justify these mass kill'n machines as merely entertainment toys fer's a lil history lesson of a lil harmful entertainment toy...from way back in 1987...about the very popular game LAWN DARTS that actually killed a 7 year old girl...and how it was BANNED BY THE GOVERNMENT...BY let that soak into yer brain dead skull fer  minute!
and get off my dress!

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