Monday, October 24, 2022


it don't matter if yer some sorta sequestered patron saintly sinner or just
Lucifer's lust starved love muffin that wants to be eaten like a danish on the daily...we all have that unscrupulous urge to purge a portion of the universe fer our animalistic pleasures whether we're act'n on it or not!

i can recall the very first time me and handful of my school chums in 1987
sat around my friends house one lazy afternoon after we buried their parents in the backyard i mean the parents left on some tambourine jamboree revival at the local water’n hole…with jiffy pop toss'n an attitude in the Armana Radar Range and a perspire’n TAB chill'n our finger tips as we quietly concentrated on the plot while enjoy’n the very first interracially facially challenged adult entertainment we had ever seen in our teenrager existence via "DESIRES OF THE DEVIL" from 1971 (fer all you ADHD' forward to the 15:09 mark to get to the biz at hand with yer hand)
starr'n hot to trot pineapple poacher JIM CASSIDY (nothing more to see here...just was tell'n you what had happened in 1987 at a friend's house that's all!)

so after doin my annual fall clean'n of unwanted emails recently...i dove  
head first into the deep end of my email abyss to the depths of depravity i've never dare explored before and came across all my unsalted adulted emails (since no one's come across me lately) from craigslist admirers practically 13 years ago that i never knew responded to me 
(an actual P.O.P)
thus i never got to experience any titillate'n unmitigated exuberance that may or may not have happened upon meet'n the many that became unfortunate P.O.P's (prisoners of passion) in my junk files and since craigslist is no longer a viable meet and greet option thanx to congressional cuntasourus's and sex trafficker's everywhere...i will never get to seriously know...
if anal_assisine7.5 ever got to explore the outer reaches of his intergalactic desires...
if uncutcosmonautover8 ever learned to speak english fluently...
if hemorrhoidal hitman#9 was a hit after all...
or if hornyspermburglar was the devious cousin to the hamburglar who emphatically stated he wanted me to baste his buns in his email to me since all of them had been encrypted emails thru craigslist
BUTT wait...

i did notice that 2 of my very kinky correspondents...throat plunger8plus
and penis-fly-trap tried to grab my immediate attention by post'n their own personal phone numbers in their email response

hmmm...what are the chances after 13 years that they still need service?
or that they still even own that number they so blatantly threw out at me...i guess YOU'LL never know kittens...
enjoy my beautifully bloody mess mix as yer trick-or-treat from me and GET OFF MY DRESS!!

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