Monday, May 20, 2013


remember when that pinball whizzed thru that tremendous maze...
on sesame street...teach'n all the lil kittens how to count to 12

well...that pinball...known as EQUALITY for today's purposes...

finally made it thru the headache of a maze in the great state of the 12th state to legalize SAME SEX MARRIAGE...thru the power of...WE THE PEOPLE!

let's go back in time to how it all began...
deedle-doo deedle-doo deedle-doo

it all started when Satan's mistress started scratch'n her hooves...

and started by pull'n on the inequality arm and push'n the EQUALITY ball in 2005
try'n to sneak in a bill to ban same sex marriage...civil unions and domestic partnership in the MN constitution on the Senate floor...while a pro non heterosexual rally was goin on outside the capitol...
she was busted hide'n behind a bunch of bushes (scroll to story #9)...allegedly just rest'n her hooves...but everyone knows she was simply look'n for her manacurist "husband" Marcus...thankfully the senate...include'n people in her own party...thought it was in poor taste...
and pulled an UMA... immediately!

the EQUALITY ball made it thru the 1st hole

the bill would be reintroduced a few more times...
in 2006 it passed the 2nd hole

in 2007 it rolled pass the 3rd hole

and then again in would pop out thru hole #4

by 2011...the republiCANTS reintroduced a bill to be voted on in the next election to BAN 2 non heterosexual fornicational rights with ALL the government bennies in the constitution....FOREVER!
but it made it thru hole #5...and was still alive

the vote went to the kittens across the 10,000 lakes to decide it's fate...

 WHEW!...half way there...the pinball made it thru the 6th hole

all that was left...was to make it's way to the thru the House floor...
and the hurdle known as Peggy Scott's  passionate plea whine'n on how it will "divide the state" and "not what we need to be doin' right now"...BITCH PUHLEEZ...the only thing that will divide the state is everyone try'n to decide whether or not you should or should not go with Clairol's elephant piss blonde again...and we REALLY don't need to be doin' that right now!

but this was an easy hole to get thru #7

the debate's in the House would continue a lil over 2 hrs...
and with help from these 4 republiCANS who broke rank from their party

the EQUALITY ball kept on track and made it's way thru the 8th hole

next up...the EQUALITY ball would make it's way to the Senate floor...
and with the tension ride'n high on both sides...the 9th hole seemed a bit tricky

but it was another crack in the party lines when...

by tuesday may 14th...i couldn't because if the fate of the EQUALITY ball...i just couldn't get the damn sheep to jump over the fence thanx to those govermental drug studies i participated in back in the early 90' i called into work...and later that day realized i wanted to be part of THEE MOST IMPORTANT HISTORICAL EVENT in my lifetime...
so good friend from high school Karen...her prize from the bottom of her fallopian box...Finn and my new friend Kate...set out fer our covert operation to the steps of the capitol later that afternoon

as i melted under the 97 degree weather...i could feel the EQUALITY ball make'n it's way to the high score hole in the game...some could even say the sprinkler systems in my eyes started to sputter with emotional droplets...
good thing my highly sophisticated non emotional radar...but ever so allure'n...sun glasses...were hold'n my think'n cap in place

not sure how it happened...but we all ended up in the media line to the front of the podium where Govern Dayton would be sign'n HISTORY for MN...
and roughly 30 minutes later...

 we made it thru the 12th  hole...GAME OVER!

the cheers from over 7000 non heterosexual and non homosexual MN kittens who attended as the Govern signed the SAME SEX MARRIAGE bill into law...was deafen'n

the Minne-Apple I-35 bridge was lit up in honor fer ALL those in support for EQUALITY

 our sister city St Paul renamed the Wabasha Bridge...the FREEDOM BRIDGE...fer the week
with the new MN law in effect on august 1st 2013...
 over 2 MILLION more people will now have the right to marry the one they love!

and not only will the non heterosexuals finally be able to marry the one they love...
 they will ALSO ADD a HUGE BOOST to the economy

and fer THOSE CASPER CRUSADERS think'n....'s time to update my get off my dress!

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