Monday, January 29, 2018

Oh brother...what art thou think'n?

we have all tried to make our mark in the world at some point or another
whether it be topp'n the charts...all while model'n poly blends from TEMPO in the 70's 
or perhaps bein' the Van Gogh for the sexual pleasures of try'n to dip into the perfect shade of pink in the 80's
or me become'n a drug bunny fer the government...for all men with erectile dysfunction over the age of 40 that owe an enormous pat on my back in the 90's

of course no other job will leave an everlast'n impression on the world
than when you are the head honcho in the oval'n as hard as you can fer the kittens around country that voted fer them....from OBAMA make'n history as the 1st non caucasian make'n nice twice in the WHITE HOUSE...(there is no BUSH in this line up...well...cuz like my own...i've removed it from my life completely) CLINTON bein the only prez since tricky Dick to give us a surplus...REAGAN give'n us his best alzheimerictic act'n...that was "possibly" caused by choke'n down all those yellow #5 jellybeans while in command...while Carter just gave us nuts!

so i happen to run across a random FB post one day about the current 
piece of mentally deranged pigshit disgrace'n the WH and the my feed...who constantly lies...and decided to leave a simple "observation" of what i saw in the picture
yes some could say he just cleared it off fer the photo shoot..while others could say:
well...some known stalker...who deserves his anonymity...(well cuz they're not an unintentionally internationally unknown perform'n illusionist of their own myself...and i'm not about to make them any more famous than they already are by appear'n in my world famous blog) decided to question my "observational" comment with a rebuttal...(which i suggest you should not do)
problem #1: start'n off by say'n yer not a "fan as a person"...while try'n to decipher the obvious "observational" joke that i had planted fer all to see for FB eternity...shows INTENT to justify yer support/justification for said pigshit...plain and simple (it's unavoidable)
problem #2: typical repuglicant response by try'n to "deflect" from the main topic by rope'n in a CLINTON...ahhh...of course the ol' deflect and distract game...hmmmm sounds like a tactic we've heard many times before?
gold leader to red leader...stay on target!
i would rather stick tooth picks under my toe nails than continue waste'n ANYMORE time try'n to justify this persons buffoonery
i will not even bother try'n to decipher what or who he's reffer'n to with said rebuttal...instead of a true virgo that i am...hadda have the last informative word...(well...i do)
unfortunately i fergot to screen shoot my entire response to this obvious antagonizer...cuz i was try'n see how many hook-ups were in need of a fuckable offense instead of have'n to deal with a rebuttal to said "observational" joke post...but basically i ended with "cuz if you know ANYONE mentioned from above and are still try'n to justify A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G our mentally deranged piece of pigshit has done or said to mentioned above...whether you voted for him or are bein' complacent and part of the obvious problem"...well...apparently i struck a nerve... 
oh kittens...someone needs a refresher course in arguably justify'n get this WORKED UP over a silly lil FB post...yer bein' a bit...
it's so very...i must say...
BUTT...i digress
by now it was time to finish this completely moronic conversation cuz i knew by my next 6 words(with an emoji on the side) i had weaved a big enough web (since i was draw'n a blank fer this weeks hard hitt'n blogness anyways)...that this gullible bug was gonna breakdown any minute and struggle to break free
and trust me...the struggle was R-E-A-L...
wow!...someone put on their smarty britches and ate a bowl of the BIGLIEST words fer breakfast...
i was lost on the matzo ball/Hitler connection...but hey...that's his analogy...good fer you...did you also know... 
"the sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side?"...of course by now...said responder was all butt hurt...and decided to lick his wounds and carry on about his day...
by throw'n up the white flag with a backhanded compliment...oh well...i did my best to hide his anonymity...but fer the purpose of historical proportions...i DO NOT edit ANYONE's response so i can stay true to the facts as a tough as acrylic nails trust worthy around the bring you the stories you deserve (almost every monday) that'll brighten up yer otherwise dismally depress'n day

so i went on my merry lil way to meet my future offend'n...
perpetrate'n throat plunge'n penetrator

now get off my dress!

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