Monday, March 22, 2021

Greene with Enema

kittens...ever have one of those morn'ns when yer out all nite with yer one
closest crime-fight’n cocktailer...throw'n back remy maritin's like they’re some sorta oxygen tank and tripp'n the lights fantastic til yer so outta it yer into it...only to wake up in a pile of yer own regret utterly green with envy cuz you can't even connect all the dots by morn'n about how great the nite was all together?

so apparently just when we thought we had rid this country and quite
frankly the universe from it's beyond vomitous and highly exhaust'n regurgitated IMPEACHED FOR LIFE TWICE mentally deranged 4 year hangover...a pathetic Ann Coulter Kame-apart crotch cricket knock-off has been plucked outta obscurity from the the peach state to the center stage

the new nauseate'n nancy known as the rebranded cuntinuation
of the reTRUMPlicunt party and beyond far right Qanon quack vomit bag from the 14th district in Georgia (that just barely celebrated it's 10th bday recently i might add) known as Marjorie Taylor Greene
who believes 9/11 was a fairytale...Guam is a foreign  country and that jews started the wild fires out west from their space station a million miles up with their jewishy laser try'n to play political hot potato with logicality

so lets delve into a few facts about this flaxen haired fuckery shall we? 
unfortunately the folks of Milledgeville had to deal with her grow'n up in their town where she "allegedly" said lemonade stands were fronted by the kiddie cartel...went to college in Athens and ended up buy'n a construction company in Alpharetta...though none of these cities are even closely related to the district that she ran in and won

this tin foiled cap wear'n vaginal scab only started in politicks last year
after that stint of runn'n Taylor Commercial Inc. into the ground...that i might add...she inherited from her dear ol' daddy...just like her idol (oh what's his name again?) oh yea...the mentally deranged IMPEACHED FOR LIFE TWICE sociopathetik orange dusted sack of vomitous shit
BUTT...enough of that

now instead of runn'n in the 6th district that was as blue as the ocean
and where she was actually live'n at the time...probably cuz she knew she had ZERO chance in H-E-double hockey stix of winn'n against the current incumbent...this fallopian tubed twat sore moved a few districts over to the poorest district run by some repuglicant that had decided he'd milked all he could outta his constituents and just wanted to sip sangrias by the sea and chose not to run fer another term

and just like any other greedy tiresome toad...Greene ran on the platform 
that socialism is a bad thing and infused her campaign full of prejudice and paranoia...the same exact shit she'd already been spread'n all over social media and easily won since most of the welfare cases in her district were pasty white CASPER crusade'n pariahs 
who believed in her utterly insane HILLARY pedophile and human sacrificial rings and that President OBAMA partied it up with MS-13 to murder a 27 year old employee at the DNC in 2016...
harassed teen survivors say'n the shootin's were obviously faked and that non white people outta worship confederate sculptures of a tortured past among a plethora of many other bat shit cray cray stories...OH YEAH...
and her BFF's are those sperm whales in crisp clean 100 count linen from the 70% off end cap at TJ Maxx...the absolute insane part of it all is that most of her voters knew all of this anyways though and still said she was the right person fer the job...which is a purdy good indication of who exactly the majority in Marjorie's district really are
well...unless she like liquidated a child or somethin' of that nature then they might consider another candidate apparently

now even though it's a well documented fact that she has had numerous 
extra curricular affairs while runn'n on some religious platform whilst bein attached only fer the sake of hold'n onto her upstand'n CASPER crusade'n image...she outta still be able to serve all her constituents also while service'n the the repair man...can't she?

well peaches...there is still a way to remove this insane satanic stain from
the clutches of yer great state before it's too late and that is by article 1 section 5 clause 2 of the constitution (thank you ever so google) as long as 2/3rds of congress finds her indefensibly psychotic of course...and seriously...WHY WOULDN'T THEY?

some unhinged anti-masker with a gash between their legs should not be
on the education board P-E-R-I-O-D with ALL this evidence against her...however...if you wanna completely ignore ALL that and put it to the side fer now...FINE...then what about the simple fact that she has balls to the walls blurted out fer the execution of certain elected officials?

if anyone came into yer place of biz and threatened to pew pew pew you
to smithereens...ummm shouldn't they pretty much BE FIRED or pronto Tonto?

we got enough to contend with as it is than have'n to put up with her shit
on the daily...she's so full of it that if you smacked her up side that vacuous bucket attached to her shoulders...she'd fuck'n splatter...cuz you know when TWITTER bans yer dilapidated A double snakes...yer full of all kinds of bat shit crazy! 

now we need congress to do their job and expel that cankersaurus cunt 

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